Request stop for the train in Klockow ?
Schloen-Dratow, Müritz National Park [D] –Within Initiative Klockow3–, 2023

Sketch design to recreate a stop for the train in the National park of the Müritz region. Klockow is a hamlet located between Neustrelitz and Waren on the train line Berlin-Rostock. The line was originally built by the Deutsch-Nordischen Lloyds between Neustrelitz and Warnemünde. The director’s company was the architect Albert Becké *1842 – †1920, he may have come up with the idea of building a station in the middle of the forest.
The hamlet had a train station from 1886 to 2012. The railway brought wooden industry and, during the collective farming period, a counter for livestock. After the German reunification these two economic activities disappeared and a camping created. With the renovation of the line in 2012, the station got demolished as well as the bridge part of the historic crossing over the train tracks.
The author co-founded an initiative against the closing down of the station and to maintain track crossing but it failed.
The present proposal is based on a proposal to create a stop on request with a foot bridge reusing the ramps of a former railway bridge built in 1950’s and also demolished in 2012.
The design is inspired from the infrastructures build for hikers in the alps, known for their simplicity.
The sequel of the « Klockow3 Initiative » started December 2022.
This new initiative occurred in three steps –documented below in reverse chronology–:
– 21.06.23 (I) Elaboration of a sketch design.
– 24.07.23 (II) Organisation of a round table with local actors interested: camping and extracurricular businesses, museum, mayors from the region.
– 03.09.23 (III) Petition –kick off during the folk festival of the 750 years of Klockow–
At that time the design was adapted to respond to safety requests liked to forest fire and munitions waste from the army during soviet occupation!
See also: 2011 initiative to save the 100 year old Klockow station from demolition

(III) Below, the poster for the petition
–kick off during the folk festival of the 750 years of Klockow– 03.09.23

II Slideshow for the citizens’ round table
Heinrich Schliemann Museum, Ankershagen, 24.07.23
I Elaboration of a sketch design
Initiated after a discussion with fellow citizens, Klockow 05.04.23
Published 05.04.23
– 31.05.23: correction topographic model (ramp) and geometric adaptation of the footbridge.
– 21.06.23: title, references (p2), graphic (p.4)