M.arch -research- Bernard Cherix, architecte
Born in Pully, Switzerland 23.10.68. Nationality: Swiss
Married to A.Prof. Nancy Couling. Together they have one son, Olivier Couling
Bernard Cherix is a Swiss architect based in Vevey (Switzerland), he is investigating digital processes to renovate complex geometry buildings and currently with an Innosuisse Booster in additive manufacturing.
He produces point-cloud based models to simulate transformation and is now testing 3D printing of ceramic tiles.
Previously he produced digital twin prototypes for the for the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and the ETHZ. He has taught openBIM at at master’s level at EPFL.
He received his Master in architecture by research –project– from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, also winning of the Australian-European Award Program (DAAD) to carry out the research.
From 1992 to 2009, he worked as freelance for renown architects in Berlin and as researcher at the TU-Berlin.
He gained his architectural diploma in Geneva after an apprenticeship during which he worked on Max Bill’s Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne.
1999-02 Master in architecture, research Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, (Australia). Prof. Leon van Schaik, Prof. Matthias Sauerbruch: «Reclaiming Industrial Zones –strategy for a mutation–»
1994 Master Class Berlage Institute Amsterdam. « Strategy for a Re-Use ». Prof. Herman Hertzberger
1988-92 Diploma form the Geneva School of Architecture HES-SO. Prof. Pascale Lorenz
1984-88 Apprenticeship, Building designer. Bernard Meuwly city architecte, Lausanne
Prices and awards
2001 Research Grant: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, School of Architecture + Design
2000 Scholarship Award: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)-TU-Berlin
1999 Academic excellence: Australian – European Award Program (IDP-DEST/ DAAD)
Independent architect
2024 – Winning team from the Innovation Booster Additive Manufacturing / Innosuisse with a cyber-physical prototype on a thin shell building
2023 – Initiative (sequel). Railway foot bridge –sketch design–, Müritz National Park [D]
– Competition. With N.Couling et al. winner –amongst several– of “Lausanne Jardin 2024”
2022 – Competition. Partnership with v2v Architectes : District heating plant, Malley-Lausanne
– Competition. Multipurpose complex for families in the Avanchets neighbourhood, Geneva
– Densification strategy of the Abatta neighbourhood & 20 apartments housing complex. Abidjan, Ivory Coast
2021 – Feasibility study. Transformation of the Grande Salle, Suchy –canton Vaud–.
– Prototype & event. Reconstruction of an immersive screen prototype including a week of demonstrations of its use
– Competition. Une entrée pour Plateforme 10 (Cultural complex), Lausanne
– Competition for the extension of the International Centre for Research on Anarchism, Lausanne
2020 – Academic Project. Living and working in the Casbah of Algiers: tradition & innovation –study–, Client: BBAW (Germany)
– Digital mock-up of La Doges, Head quarter of the Swiss Heritage Society –Vaud–
2018-20 – Prototype of a Digital Twin for the Vallorbe Train Station –Pilot project open-BIM transformation–. Client : Swiss Federal Railways
2011-18 – Workgroup. Co-founder with Pr. Jean-Bernard Racine, geographer, of the Laboratoire du Désert
2011 – Initiative. Infrastructure for eco-mobility in the Müritz National Park, Germany
2009 – Fundraising. ERDF (EU)/ Städtebaulischer Denkmalschutz for the restoration of a historic facade from a Kindergarten, Berlin.
2007 – Initiative. Infrastructure for the merchants of the Turkish market, Berlin
2006 – Feasibility study. Conversion of an industrial complex for Vattenfall AG, Berlin
2005 – Feasibility study. Access to S-Bahn for people with reduced mobility, Berlin-Attilastrasse
2004 – Feasibility study. Access to S-Bahn for people with reduced mobility, Berlin-Humboldthain
Workshop “Oppositional Architecture” Berlin. With Prof. Peter Marcuse, Jesko Fezer et al.
2003 – Feasibility study. Conversion of the attic of a Gründerzeit building into flats, Berlin-Pankow
– Execution planning. Conversion of the attic of a Gründerzeit building into flats, Berlin-Prenzlauerberg
2002 – Competition. Nova Huta (PL): Post- industrial urban design strategy
1996 – Competition. Europan 4: Temporary housing in Biasca
– Competition. Reclaimed industrial building: façade redesign. L’Usine, Geneva
1995 – Competition. (Mention) Extension of the Treptow town hall. Berlin
1994 – Prototype. Cardboard bed for expats, Berlin.
Teaching & research
2023 ETHZ, Scientist at Department of Architecture, Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation: Digital twin of the Semper aula –prototype in open formats–
2022 RMIT Europe, Barcelona. Supervision of student at Master level, RMIT-Sbi Lab
2016-18 EPFL. Lecturer. Digital Humanities Architecture and Civil engineering, master level
2003-07 TU-Berlin. guest researcher at Institute für Städtebau & Architektur, Prof. Clod Zillich. Pilot project “Arbeiten Morgen”
1999 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Assistant, atelier L.Arch Prof. Peter Connolly
Professional experience
2009-16 Lausanne. Senior designer by H.Ehrensperger. Tour Bel-air, Lausanne Transformation and renovation
2008 Berlin. Senior designer at CET-01 Architekten Couling–Schnorbush. Infrastructure for rainwater SPREE2011
1998-99 Berlin. Freelance architect at Max Dudler Architekt & assistance to Rebecca Horn. Ministry of transportation (historic building). Transformation
1997-98 Mexico. Freelance architect at Alberto Kalach Arquitecto. University building, UAM Xochimilco. Competition
1993-97 Berlin. Freelance architect at Augustin und Frank Architekten. 220 apartments with shops in social housing complex. From sketch design to realization. Berlin-Lichtenberg.
1986-87 Lausanne. Apprentice at Bernard Meuwly, city architect. Théâtre de Vidy (Max Bill), Lausanne. Transformation-renovation.
15.10.19 BAS, Bergen School of Architecture
2016 – 2017 EPFL winter semester, Introduction to openBIM
25.08.15 Fribourg Académie d’été du CRB, Construction & BIM
12.02.07 Berlin TU-Berlin Center for Metropolitan Studies
26.04.05 Berlin TU-Berlin Architektur Fakultät
24.01.05 Auckland (NZ) Auckland University, School of Architecture
05.10.01 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, international Graduate Research Conference
09.02.99 Berlin TU-Berlin, Chaire de la Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ingrid Goetz
Conferences co-organizer and speaker
27.02.17 Lausanne EPFL. Création du chapitre Suisse romande de Bâtir digital Suisse
02.09.16 Lausanne EPFL / CRB. Académie d’été, Journée thématique BIM
18.09.24. Lausanne. Exposé at Graphisoft “Building Tomorrow” event: “3 prototypes de jumeaux numériques et architecture inverse”
05-06.07.22 TU-Delft (NL), IPHS Conference « Reverse architecture: an open standard digital twin for heritage buildings »
09-11.04.19 Lausanne, Fribourg, Genève openBIM Tour, « Etude de cas: Projet pilote openBIM +Vallorbe Gare+ des CFF »
28.11.18 Munich BIM World : Architecture inverse & openBIM-renovation
21.0417 Lausanne AG Bâtir Digital Suisse / Jubilée IGS
23.02.17 Fribourg SIA. « BIM entre pratique et formation »
31.01.17 Yverdon EPFL / HEIG-VD. Veille technologique en géomatique
08.03.17 Sursee Renggli AG. Forschung Entwicklung und Praxis
01-02.10.15 Lausanne, Fribourg, Genève openBIM Tour, « Etude de cas : Maquette numérique de la Tour Bel-Air à Lausanne»
08.11.11 Lausanne « Une maison de quartier pour qui ? avec qui ? » Fondation pour l´Animation socioculturelle lausannoise / Boisy
15.11.07 Tunis « Regional Architecture and Identity » Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region & Aga Khan Trust for culture
15.02.07 Berlin « 13. Sitzung des Forums Regionale Wirtschaft », Wirtschaftsförderung Berlin-Mitte
29.09.06 Berlin « 5. Stadtumbau West Workshop » Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung
08.04.05 Berlin Arbeitsgruppe Nachhaltige Infrastruktur, « Berliner Potentiale! »
22.02.05 Berlin « Gesprächskreises Nachhaltigkeit». Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung,
28.08.05 Wolfsburg Kulturstiftung des Bundes: séminaire international « Industriestadtfuturismus »
24.01.02 Berlin Quartiersmanagment, Berlin- Schöneweide
2022 « Architecture inverse et jumeau numérique au service du patrimoine ». A Suivre… # 85, Belp
2022 « reverse architecture and digital twin in open standard for the transformation of heritage buildings », Co-author B.Mahoubi. Conference paper, TU-Delft
2021 « Erläuterung_zur_SN_EN_17412-1 Bauwerksinformationsmodellierung – Informationsbedarfstiefe – Teil 1: Konzepte und Grundsätze ». Co-authors D.Bührer, F.Häubi et.al., SIA, Zürich.
2020 «Prototype de jumeau numérique de la gare de Vallorbe». Bauen Digital Schweiz, Bestpractice (online publication)
2008 « Arbeiten Morgen, a meta-bazaar for Berlin? » Regional Architecture and Identity in the Age of Globalization. Vol. I, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (CSAAR proceedings)
2005 « Heterarchic Work Environments » (Arbeiten Morgen). Anarchitektur # 14. Berlin, Documentation of « Oppositional Architecture » workshop
2004 « Postindustrieller Raum als Potential für urbane Revitalisierung ». Facts # 3. Wien, (Fachhochschule St. Pölten (Hrsg.): ‘Machtwert des Wissens – Wirtschaft & Forschung’)
2002 « Urban overlay ». exhibition catalogue of the IX Biennale of architecture. Krakow
2001 « Postcard from: Fusio ». Kerb #10, RMIT, University press Melbourne
1995 « Yes! Grain Silos on the Waterfront » (strategy for a reuse). Berlage cahiers # 4, Rotterdam
07.2011 Klockow, Müritz (D). Citizen’s initiative: proposal for a tourist infrastructure to safeguard the train station
10.2002 Cracovie (PL). Participation to the « IX International Biennale of Architecture »
10.2001 Melbourne. Upstairs Gallery: architecture drawings
Written, radio and television contributions
2020 « Un immense projet pour des transformations fictives à la gare de Vallorbe » (l’Omnibus 06.11.20)
2018 « La Maison de Quartier du Désert, Une nouvelle expérience participative dans la ville ordinaire » (Cahiers de Recherches Urbaines, Université de Lausanne. Dugas, Delabare, Da Cunha)
2014 « Surélever les bâtiments, une solution pour créer de nouveaux logements? » (RTS1 24.10.14.)
2014 « Regards croisés sur la Maison de quartier du Désert ». (Radio Boisy/ Caravanne des Quartiers 12.06.14)
2011 « Sanfter Tourismus interessiert die Bahn überhaupt nicht » (Müritz-Zeitung 13.09.11)
2009 « Berliner Architekt schlägt Brücke in Klockow vor » (Müritz-Zeitung 11.03.09)
2008 « Klockower besorgt über Bahn-Vorhaben » (Müritz-Zeitung 10.10.08)
2004 « Deutsches Neuland ». Statement in the documentary on « Neues Deutschland » Berlin, action-research building « Arbeiten Morgen ». Directors: François Rossier & Sandra Prechtel / MDR, Leipzig.
2000 « Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen Erweiterung am Invalidenpark – Max Dudler Architekt, Berlin ». Hoffmann-Axthelm, Dieter. Berlin Bauwelt 9,
1998 « Junge Deutsche Architekten -Augustin und Frank », Weiss, Klaus Dieter. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel
1998 « Kalach + Alvarez » León, Adriana. Betsky, Aaron. de Leon, Teodoro Gonzalez (Contemporary World Architects), Cincinnati
1997 « Wohnhäuser Dolgenseestraße Neue Blöcke zwischen alter Platte, Berlin » Augustin + Frank Architekten. Meyer, U. Berlin Bauwelt 29
1994 « Lichtenberger Linie, Lichtenberg plant und baut 1991-1994 » “Wohnbebauung mit Gewerbe Dolgensee-/Seewanstraße, Augustin+Frank Architekten”. Krautzig, Hans, Berlin
Since 2024 Member of the Federal Compulsory Purchase Commission, circuit 7 –JU, BS, BL, SO–
Since 2020 Member of visual artists & architects’ society Visarte
Since 2018 Member Fablab Renens
Since 2018 Member Action-Parrainages
2017-2024 Member of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
2019–2021 Member of the SIA Monitoring Commission CEN/TC 442 BIM
2016-2022 Member Bauen digital Schweiz
2016–2020 Member CRB
Since 2013 Member PRO VELO
2002–2005 Member of the art collective Zweitergang, Berlin
Since 2024 Member of the Federal Compulsory Purchase Commission, District 7 –JU, BS, BL, SO–
Since 2020 Member of visual artists & architects’ society Visarte
Since 2018 Member Fablab Renens
Since 2018 Member Action-Parrainages
2017-2024 Member of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
2019–2021 Member of the SIA Monitoring Commission CEN/TC 442 BIM
2016-2022 Member Bauen digital Schweiz
2016–2020 Member CRB
Since 2013 Member PRO VELO
2002–2005 Member of the art collective Zweitergang, Berlin